Crisis communication: the workshop.
The Challenge
Governments at all levels need to know how to plan for – and deliver – communication in times of crisis. This isn’t easy, as the nature of crises varies widely. The National Association of Counties (NACo) turned to 4Forward to design and deliver a workshop to address these challenges.
“Working the 4Forward team was a great experience. They not only produced high quality deliverables, often times they were one step ahead of me in knowing what my needs were for the project. I highly recommend them for both design and development of learning resources.“
Jen Stuart, Former Manager
BC Ministry of Jobs, Skills and Tourism
The Process
We gathered the best, well-proven ideas from information officers in the US, and identified examples of exceptional crisis communication. We then distilled them into a concise but powerful learning experience for NACo conference attendees. . Part of that experience is a crisis simulation, complete with a “media scrum.”
The Result
Dozens of county officials now have a clearer idea of how to plan for and deliver crisis communication. They are now better prepared for these hopefully rare events.
Project Snapshot
National Association of Counties (NACo), representing and advocating for county governments across the USA
Non-Profit Association
Custom Training, eLearning, Needs Analysis, Research, Workshop Delivery
Skills Demonstrated
Facilitation, Instructional Design