Decision-making training for managers and front-line workers.
The Challenge
All organizations need consistent decision-making processes to build and maintain the trust of employees and the general public. Front-line staff and managers at MNRF wanted a deeper understanding of decision-making, so that they could be more confident going forward. Knowing that 4Forward specializes in leadership and team development—and specifically in decision-making skills—MNRF asked us to design and deliver a decision-making training workshop.
“4Forward provided a day of team-building for our staff, focused on emotional intelligence in the morning and a hands-on team building event – in this case, a scavenger hunt – in the afternoon. The program was well designed, and the facilitator was excellent– funny and engaging. There was good participation with lots of laughter. Feedback from participants was very positive!“
Ashley Seinen, Administrative Support
Office of the Superintendent of Financial Institutions (OSFI)
The Process
Some key ingredients for good decision-making include self-awareness, a clear definition of what makes a decision “good”, and an understanding of the different decision-making styles. We designed a decision-making training workshop in which participants:
- Gain insight into their own decision-making approach
- Learn about different decision-making styles (and when to apply them)
- Explore scenarios that illustrate the strengths of each decision-making style
We sourced an expert facilitator to deliver the engaging and interactive workshop to MNRF front-line workers and managers.
The Result
MNRF front-line workers and managers gained self-awareness and better understanding of what makes a “good” decision within the MNRF context, and when to apply the different decision-making styles for optimal results.
Project Snapshot

The Ministry of Natural Resources
and Forestry (MNRF) protects
Ontario’s biodiversity while promoting economic opportunities in the resource sector and supporting outdoor recreation opportunities
Workshop Delivery
Skills Demonstrated
Facilitation, Instructional Design