eLearning on sexual harassment mitigation for the food & beverage industry.
The Challenge
Sexual harassment is pervasive in food and beverage service—and it disproportionately affects young people, women and newcomers to Canada. Our client asked us to develop eLearning on sexual harassment mitigation to help frontline workers and managers recognize, reduce and respond to incidents of sexual harassment in the workplace.
“Working the 4Forward team was a great experience. They not only produced high quality deliverables, often times they were one step ahead of me in knowing what my needs were for the project. I highly recommend them for both design and development of learning resources.“
Jen Stuart, Former Manager
BC Ministry of Jobs, Skills and Tourism
The Process
We partnered with Tourism HR Canada to design, write and develop three 30-minute eLearning modules that resonates with the food and beverage service workers. Under the broad themes of recognizing, responding to, and reducing sexual harassment, the eLearning on sexual harassment mitigation includes interactive activities and scenarios so participants can apply their knowledge during training. We also created a two-hour workshop for managers and a practical action planning tool.
The Result
The eLearning on sexual harassment mitigation has been rolled out across Ontario, where it is offered at no cost to employees in the hospitality and tourism industry. To date, over 10,000 learners have participated. The program has been praised as easy to use and effective, especially for small and medium-sized enterprises without HR infrastructure.
Project Snapshot
Government ministry working to increase women’s economic security and to end violence against women
eLearning, Research
Skills Demonstrated
eLearning Development, Instructional Design, Graphic Design, Storyboarding, Project Management