Leadership development resources for BC’s non-profit sector.
The Challenge
Through the StepUP BC project, the Government of British Columbia wanted more focus on attracting, retaining and developing leaders in the province’s non-profit sector—and helping the sector address its long-term human resource needs. They wanted leadership development resources and a live portal which would serve as a one-stop shop for free tools and resources.
“What I appreciate most about 4Forward is their ability to recognize our needs – often before we’re even aware of them! They deliver high quality leadership development materials that are well-aligned with market demand.“
Jen Stuart, Former Manager
BC Ministry of Jobs, Skills and Tourism
The Process
This large-scale, multi-faceted project had many moving parts and required rigorous project management to support our instructional design work. We designed and developed a leadership road map, a self-assessment tool, a web-based Leadership Development Resource hub, and a framework for succession planning/knowledge transfer. As well, we developed a series of resilience and adaptability workshops.
The Result
British Columbia’s 26,000 non-profit organizations gained access to leadership development resources that increased capacity across the sector.
Project Snapshot

The British Columbia Ministry of Jobs, Tourism and Skills Training manages government services that help support and maintain a sustainable economy in British Columbia
Research, Needs Analysis, Custom Training
Skills Demonstrated
Instructional Design, Web Development, Project Management